Youtube Social Media Ads

YouTube is a powerful tool for marketing your business. With YouTube advertising services, you can use this social network to build brand awareness and attract leads that will turn into sales.

Spread Your Company's brand to new heights with YouTube advertising

With the second-largest search engine in the world, YouTube, it is a great way for businesses to improve brand awareness, lead generation and sales.

Whether it is building campaigns, creating ads or optimizing an account- we have the expertise to get your business seen by more of those potential customers on this popular video sharing site.

With YouTube advertising services, you receive

  • Dedicated account manager
  • Customised monthly reports
  • Complete ad account ownership
  • And many more

Need help with YouTube advertising? Contact us to chat with an experienced strategist from our team about how you can improve your company's search engine rankings and earn more revenue through them.

What can you expect from YouTube advertising with us?
  1. Being Trendy
  2. With our YouTube advertising agency, you can be sure that we stay on top of all the trends. Our YouTube advertising service helps you stay ahead of the trends so your videos can drive success and provide more valuable results for the business.

  3. Reporting that is transparent
  4. You know you’re investing time and money into an advertising campaign, but if the results are unclear? Our transparent reporting will let you know if your campaign is working or not. You’ll have real-time insight into the performance of this important investment for any business.

  5. Profile and cover photo design
  6. Customize your social media with a custom design that will have your business. Your dedicated specialist can optimize any professional, on-brand images for you. Enhance brand awareness through improved trust signals and send an engaging, on-brand voice to all those who follow you or engage directly.

  7. Ongoing learning
  8. You must choose the best video advertising company for your needs. That is why we produce high quality and engaging content for our clients' businesses intending to improve conversion rates through video advertising services. We'll make sure you get more viewers and higher conversion rates with our video advertising service.

  9. Strong communication
  10. You'll have a dedicated account manager who will be in touch with updates on your campaign. They will be for you when it comes to giving feedback and sharing insights about how things can go more smoothly or what areas need improvement.

    Your dedicated account manager will keep you up-to-date on everything happening in your campaign and share its progress so it can succeed.

  11. Keep tracking metrics
  12. We track campaign metrics so you can determine your success. Here are some of the key ones we monitor:

    1. Video views: We measure video views and how long someone watches for at least 30 seconds or clicks on an ad - this only counts when there is interaction with it.
    2. View rate: View rate is an indication of how engaged your audience is with the content. If you have high numbers in views and impressions, it means people enjoy what they're seeing which lets them know that there's something special about this piece.
    3. Earned action: The more actions you get, the better it looks for your business. The more likes, views and subscriptions an account gets the better it looks for them as they suggest deeper levels of interest which can be seen positively by potential customers. This is a great way to show people that they are interested in what's being advertised.
    4. Impressions: Impressions are the number of times your ad was shown to someone. This is measured regardless of whether it ran for a short or long period, and can be used as an indicator that shows how successful you were at reaching people with certain demographics in mind.

You can be confident in your campaign's success when you work with the YouTube advertising company that uses Google Ads and Analytics. We monitor a wide range of metrics, including watch time for each video as well user engagement during playback - all designed to measure how successful your campaigns have been.

YouTube advertising service! But why?

You may be wondering why you should invest in YouTube advertising services. Here are three good reasons to take the plunge.

  1. YouTube is a popular platform
  2. YouTube is the most popular video platform in terms of both traffic and engagement. People love watching videos because they provide an opportunity for interactivity, which makes them 10 times more likely than blocks of text-based information on what it means to have that personal touch when providing knowledge or entertainment. It is popular in all age groups.

  3. A strong active user base
  4. YouTube is an incredible platform for reaching your desired audience. With the average mobile viewing session lasting about 40 minutes, you have a very good chance of capturing their attention.

    Different reasons people watch YouTube video

    • For entertainment
    • Content creators on YouTube provide the platform with a mixture of content aimed at diverse audiences, which makes them an important source for many people's entertainment needs. People can watch videos that interest them, whether it's short clips from their favourite show or channels.

    • For self-learning
    • How-to videos can be a great way to learn how something is done, but they're not always enough. Visuals provide another layer of understanding that goes beyond just watching someone else do the task at hand - with visuals you get an instant replay in your head as well.

    • Buying a new product or service
    • YouTube is king when it comes to driving purchases. Whether you are watching a product review or promotional video, people make an impulsive decision after viewing the content despite themselves.

      You can reach your audience through videos they watch the most and get them to check out your business or brand by advertising on YouTube.

  5. Easily sharable content
  6. With videos being easily shareable, it makes them an excellent way to reach more people. It's not just for entertainment anymore, as it has become an incredible advertising tool to reach your audience through videos. You can also track how often those viewers watch or share videos with their friends.

Who needs a YouTube advertising service?

You might be wondering if you should hire a YouTube ad agency like Sunrise Digital to handle your campaign. Here are the reasons.

  1. Taking your business to the next level.
  2. With our YouTube advertising services, your brand can expose more people to your video advertisements. We will help make sure the ads reach interested leads with smart targeting and bidding so they get seen by those who matter most. This can help you to take your business to the next level.

  3. When you are busy with core work
  4. You can easily rely on our YouTube advertising company to manage your ad campaign while you are concentrating on your core work. Our team has the knowledge and expertise you need, so we'll take care of everything for you. Our YouTube campaigns will bring your business to life with engaging content, fresh leads and more sales for you.

  5. When you are not aware of the YouTube ad campaign.
  6. Having a successful YouTube ad campaign can be challenging for many businesses. But with the help of our company, you’ll get results without having to worry about anything else.

    When you partner with us, we promise not to let your YouTube campaign getaway. Our team of experts are ready and willing to take on any challenge that comes their way so rest assured knowing there’s someone reliable in charge.

Why choose Sunrise Digital?

YouTube is a powerful advertising platform that can help you grow your business by reaching new customers. The more time viewers spend on it, the better.

We know how to create customized YouTube advertising campaigns that help your business grow with our years of experience and expertise in the field. We know how to create a customized YouTube ad campaign and drive results for your brand.

We're excited to help your business grow.
